Friday, April 4, 2008

Lab 6 PF

import java.util.*;

public class Concert
{ private final double TAX_RATE = 0.21;
private final int PARTNERS = 3;
private Guards guards = new Guards();
private Stadium stadium = new Stadium();
private double BAND = 10000.00;
private Shirts shirts;
public Concert()
{ stadium.sell();
shirts = new Shirts();
showOutput(); }

void showOutput()
{ System.out.println("Total attendance was " + stadium.attendance());
System.out.println("My take is $" + twoDecimals(myTake()));
System.out.println(); }

private double myTake()
{ return nett() / PARTNERS; }

private double tax(double amount)
{ return amount * TAX_RATE; }

private double nett()
{ double profit = profit() + shirts.profit();
return profit - tax(profit); }

private double profit()
{ return income() - cost(); }

private double income()
{ return stadium.income(); }

private double cost()
{ double cost = BAND + stadium.cost() + guards.cost(stadium.attendance()) ;
return cost; }

private double twoDecimals(double amount)
{ int intResult = (int) (amount * 100);
return intResult / 100.0; }

public class Stadium
{ private final double RENT = 20000.00;
private final double SECURITY_RATE = 0.32;
private Guards guards;
private SeatGroup cheap, great;

public Stadium()
{ cheap = new SeatGroup("cheap", 2000, 60.00);
great = new SeatGroup("great", 100, 500.00); }

public void sell()
{ cheap.sell();
great.sell(); }

public int attendance()
{ return cheap.sold() + great.sold(); }

public double income()
{ return cheap.income() + great.income(); }

public double cost()
{ return RENT; }
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class SeatGroup
{ private Scanner input = new Scanner(;
private Random random = new Random(121);
private String name;
private int number;
private double price;
private int sold;

public SeatGroup(String name, int number, double price)
{ = name;
this.number = number;
this.price = price;

public int sold()
return sold;
public void sell()
sold = generateSold(); //You would also need to change the prompt below to something meaningful.


private int generateSold()
double value = random.nextDouble();
return (int) (value * number);

public double income()
return price * sold;


public class Guards
private final int PER_GUARD = 200;
private final double RATE = 56.00;
private final int HOURS = 6;

public double cost(int attendance)
// Refer tutorial notes and lecture notes to calculate cost
return RATE * HOURS * guards(attendance);


private int guards(int attendance)
return roundUp(attendance / PER_GUARD);

private int roundUp(double value)
return (int) Math.ceil(value);

import java.util.*;

public class Shirts

private final double costs =2;
private final double print =1;
private final double price =40;
private final double number =600;
private int sold;

private Scanner input = new Scanner(;

public Shirts()
System.out.print("Number of shirts sold :" );
sold = input.nextInt();

public double profit()
return price * sold - costs();

private double costs()
return costs * print * number ;


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