2)List cut
Create a file called "names.txt" containing only the first column of
in its existing order. Ensure that there are no other changes to the data.
A :
cat table.csv | cut -f1 -d,
6)Grep and regular expressions
Create a file called "natmat.txt" containing, IN THE ORIGINAL ORDER, only the lines of
starting with the string 'NAT' or 'MAT'. Ensure there is no extra white space in the file "natmat.txt".
egrep '^NAT|^MAT' /usr/local/linuxgym-data/census/femalenames.txt > natmat.txt
7)Name frequency
Create a bash script called namefreq.sh which takes one argument - a name. The output should be the FREQUENCY of that name's use, which is the entry in the second column of /usr/local/linuxgym-data/census/femalenames.txt
For example
./namefreq.sh ANA
will return
and nothing else.
Q :
grep -w $1 ./table.csv | cut -f2 -d,
Single file word detection
Write a bash script called gender.sh which takes one argument - a name. The script should print "female" if the word appears in the file /usr/local/linuxgym-data/census/femalenames.txt, and "male" otherwise.
Hint: Redirect grep's stdout so it doesn't get printed, or use the grep "quiet" option.
grep -q $1 ./table.csv
if [ $? = 0 ]
echo female
echo male
1 comment:
Do u have answer for final Linuxgym chp6 excercise called Same Frequency?
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