Tuesday, March 31, 2009


XTrain is website about On Demand Training on the Internet. Users have access to high quality video training with social network communities, leading experts and portfolio reviews and certifications. You can also get free class on this website. Check this out!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Price Water Cooperhouse

- FT Global 500
- IT in internal firm services
- Semester 2 is important for penultimate (second last) year students as some companies offer formal vacation or internship roles during this time.  Closing dates for vacation employment programs are generally June to August
- Vacationer Program 
- PwC Preview -> Nov 2009
- Recruiment Process
+ Online App
+ Online testing
+ Phone interview
+ Personality Questionare
+ Assessment Centre
+ Offer
- Professional business language ???
- Looking for vacation Program

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reflects on First Three Weeks

I've got 4 subjects this semester. They are Web Services Development, Data Structure and Algorithms, Interface Design and Database Programming. I realise that there is a need for setting up a way to study these subjects through out the semester, otherwise I will end up with poor marks and distracting myself. I also need to manage my time efficiently so i can start my own project which i haven't had any idea of.
BUT, roughly here is my estimated time for each subjects and activities

WSD ( 5 hours at home and 3 hours in class )
- JSP + XML must be mastered by the end of this semester.
DSA ( 5 hours at home and 3 hours in class )
- Finish lab asap. On the day lab issued or at least the next day.
- Discuss with other class mates.

IF ( 4 hours at home and 3 hours in class )

DP ( 5 hours at home and 3 hours in class )
- DBA roles

Project ( 5 hours)

Reading time ( 5 Hours)

Wake Up Early in the Morning and do the JOB! STUDY!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Autumn 2009 Semester

All I want is keeping up the good works which I did last year. Its not gonna be easy to achieve, but I believe in my inner strength, which will help me get through all of difficulties I'll be facing this year.

Wish me luck

Manh Tuan Vu