Wednesday, March 12, 2008

VIM-Text Editor

Vim's manual:
Vim Mode
Vim quick reference Card
Linux Gym 2
Q1 :Insert text
Within your "ch2-vim" directory, create a file called "hw.txt", with only one line of text saying: "hello world" (without the quotes) and save the file.

1. Starting Vim

From the command line you can start editing a file called "test.txt" (whether the file "test.txt" exists or not) with the command:
vim test.txt

2. Switching Modes

There are eleven types of mode when running Vim, but they can be categorised as two types: normal modes and insert modes.

Normal mode: When you start Vim you will be in normal mode, and at any time you can return to the normal mode by pressing the key at the top left-hand side of your keyboard.

Insert mode: There are many ways to enter the insert mode, but the simplest is to type i. After typing i all the characters you type will be inserted into the docuement.

3. Exiting Vim

To exit Vim and return to the command-line:

  1. Go to normal mode by typing
  2. Save and Exit: type :wq which stands for "write and quit".
  3. Exit without saving: typing :q! returns to the command-line without saving the changes you have made to the file
Q2:Join lines
Copy the file "/usr/local/linuxgym-data/vimdata/wordlist.txt" into your "ch2-vim" directory. Edit the file so that all of the text is on a single line with only a space (not a newline) between the words.

A: cp /usr/local/linuxgym-data/vimdata/wordlist.txt .
cp /usr/local/linuxgym-data/vimdata/wordlist.txt ./

Don't forget the dot
. at the end. Remember, in UNIX, the dot means the current directory.
Deletion by line numbers
Copy the file "/usr/local/linuxgym-data/gutenberg/0ws3110.txt" into your "ch2-vim" directory. Starting at line 50 delete 4000 lines (including line 50) - and save the file. Make absolutely no other changes.
A :
Move to 50 line
then press "4000dd"
Cut and paste by line numbers
Copy the file "/usr/local/linuxgym-data/teeny/3mwsm10.txt" into your "ch2-vim" directory. Delete the first 10 lines and append them to the end of the file. Save the file and make no other changes.
delete first 10 lines --> press : 10dd
move to the end of the text ,press : p
Q:Search and replace strings
In the next two questions we have to distinguish between words and strings. A string is a sequence of characters, while a word is a sequence of letters within a string, surrounded by non-word characters. For example, the string "This is a testing time" contains the words "This", "is", "a", "testing" and "time". It does not contain the word "test", but it does contain the string "test".

Copy the file "/usr/local/linuxgym-data/vimdata/hermit.txt" into your "ch2-vim" directory. Replace every occurence of the string "and" with the string "OR". Ensure you make

:%s/and/OR/gc -->Confirm every substitution.

Q9:Cut and paste by markers
Copy the file "/usr/local/linuxgym-data/teeny/4mwsm10.txt" into your "ch2-vim" directory. Cut (remove) the lines between (and containing) those with "START HERE" and "UPTO HERE" and insert them at the marker "PASTE HERE". Save the file and make no other changes
Type ':11,64d'

Then 'Paste'--->Shift P

:e![cr] says "I made a right mess of that - abandon my changes and re-read the input file

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