Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IT Traineeship (UNiSyd)

IT Traineeship Position Summary

Under supervision and direction, perform routine field activities associated with installing, maintaining and servicing electronic products onsite. May include audio/visual systems in addition to multi-vendor systems, hardware, software and operating systems. Usually handles basic, non-complex products and/or problems, referring more complex problems to higher level technicians. Able to install and repair desktop products in a controlled environment and has some knowledge in software. Some peripheral skills may be applied. Workshop* work in PC cleansing and preparation, also asset and inventory of PC refresh and rollouts.

Download the IT Traineeship Brochure 1.3MB

Key Responsibilities and Outcomes
Role Purpose

The majority of the work activities of the Desktop Support / Workshop* role is performed in a more directed environment. Assignments range from repair activities, which include replaceable unit swapping, image loading, and unit testing using a detailed script. Some basic troubleshooting duties.
  • Position handles NBD, Basic Desktop calls, installing and servicing PCs, and PC peripherals and/or electronic equipment
  • Takes basic service calls and performs incident specific activities as directed by Help Desk, Service Desk or script
  • May perform routine installs, moves, adds and changes as part of a directed team.
  • Performs desktop image loading, unit diagnostics and replaceable unit swapping
  • Runs diagnostics and performs module replacement on PCs, printers and peripherals
  • Performs preventative maintenance activities on certain products
  • Maintains a high degree of professionalism in actions, demeanour and dress
  • Ensures customer satisfaction throughout.
Key Activities/Tasks
  • Investigate and resolve incidents
  • Record quick (tap on shoulder) incidents
  • Update clients on incidents
  • Update incident records
  • Escalate issues to TL’s and other managers
  • Identify and escalate non supported hardware and software to TL’s
  • Identify and escalate recurring issues
  • Utilise Peregrin for knowledge management, to record incidents and to get tasks
  • Update database with changes
  • As directed by TL and SLC, perform maintenance tasks such as backup, disk sanitisation, installations, project tasks, network monitoring, restorations, network administration, cabling, installation and configuration of desktops, transferring of files
  • Resolve incidents relating to desktops, laptops, PDA’s printers, starlight, desktop and laptop builds
  • Installation of third party Defence applications
  • Update asset database
  • Ensure adheres to Defence security policies.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Family Business

I just come up with a idea. What if my family's business is more innovative.
The first thing:
All the documents will be digitalized so that my parents can keep track of profits, debt, inventory. In addition, based on the those they can predict a new trend, therefore they are able to apply the best strategy to increase sales.
--> Computers , software to manage inventory.
Besides, if my family's business is cooperated with other competitors in the same industry. That would be a smart move to expand the market. Also it helps update the technology which is a bit old-fashion in my family's company.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Academic Development

+ Diphthongs
+ Final consonants
Word Stress:
+ Syllables are stressed correctly often.
Sentence Stress and intonation
+ Intonation is too marked
Word linking is sometimes present
Content word stress is used effectively ( quite often)
Chunking of thought groups is used effectively ( quite often)
Action Plan:
- Focus on diphthongs
- Make note of words which cause confusion
- Practice conversation ( 30 min every day) -> say it out loud
- Keep watching TED since its guests are usually good communicators

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Helen Fisher: Anthropologist; expert on love

Link: Helen Fisher

Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies gender differences and the evolution of human emotions. She's best known as an expert on romantic love, and her beautifully penned books -- including Anatomy of Love and Why We Love -- lay bare the mysteries of our most treasured emotion.

What happens to a person when they fall in love?

The first thing that happens is that your beloved begins to take on what I call “special meaning.” As a truck driver once said, “The world had a new center and that center was Maryanne.” Then you begin to focus all your attention on this special person. You can remember tiny things he or she said or did--and you dote on the things that you adore. You feel tremendous elation, euphoria, ecstasy when things are going well and terrible despair when things go wrong. Real mood swings. You have a huge amount of energy, too, so much that is it often hard to sleep. But most important: you can't stop thinking about this person. You obsessively think about him or her. And you yearn, indeed crave, to win emotional union with this sweetheart. Sure, most people would like to go to bed with a beloved; and they can get very jealous if they think this person is with another. But even more important than making love, they want this person to return their affection, to respond, to call, to write e-mails, to go out with them--and reciprocate their passion.

Did you find any brain differences between your male and female subjects?

Many of the same brain regions became active in both sexes. In fact, men fall in love faster than women do. But we did find some gender differences: Men tended to show more activity in brain regions associated with the integration of visual stimuli, and with penile erection. Women tended, instead, to show more activity in regions associated with emotion, attention and recalling memories.

Actually, these gender differences make pretty good evolutionary sense. Ancestral men needed to see if a woman showed visual signs of youth and health, signs that she would bear him healthy babies. And when a man saw a good reproductive partner, it would have been adaptive for him to become sexually aroused--to start the mating process. But a woman can't “size up” a man just by looking at him. A woman needs a good provider and protector. So an ancestral woman needed to remember all the things a mating partner had done for her, what he had given her and what he had promised. No wonder women in love evolved the tendency to activate brain circuits for remembering. In fact, women still remember many more of the details of a love affair than men do.

Why only scan the brains of people newly in love? Does that mean that love changes over time?

Yes, love does change over time. We have all experienced this. But this study tells us much more about how this happens. Our subjects who were in longer relationships showed activity in some additional brain regions, areas associated with the processing of emotions. We don't know what this means yet. But I think someday we will find that as true love progresses, brain circuits for thinking rationally about the relationship become more active, and brain areas that generate that tremendous passion begin to relax so that the craving slowly subsides, replaced by deeper, calmer, less urgent feelings.

So you would probably say that romantic love evolved in human beings, right? How did that happen? Why do we love?

I think that the precursor of romantic love, animal attraction, evolved long before human beings—to enable all mammals to focus their mating energy on specific partners, thereby conserving courtship time and energy. In fact, many became attracted immediately – the forerunner of love-at-first sight. But I think this brain system became much more elaborate after our first forbearers descended from the tress of Africa some 4 million years ago. With the evolution of pair bonding and male/female attachment, both men and women began to develop a more complex system for choosing a mate: romantic love. Then, the courtship process became even more intense (probably about 2 million years ago) and the brain circuitry for romantic love took its modern form.

Why do we love? I think romantic love evolved for many Darwinian purposes. Children who fall in love are practicing for life's greatest challenge, choosing an appropriate mating partner. Those of reproductive age fall in love to start a breeding partnership. People who divorce and fall in love again are beginning yet another potentially reproductive relationship. And older folks who fall in love have found a kindred spirit with whom to share the problems (and joys) of aging. In fact, we were probably designed to fall in love with more than one person during our lives, largely so that we would bear children with several partners and thereby increase genetic variety in our lineage.

Why do we choose one person rather than another?

Why him? Why her? There are many, many forces that play a role in who we fall in love with. Timing is important; you tend to fall in love when you are ready, particularly when you are lonely. Proximity is often crucial; we fall for people who we interact with. Both men and women are excited by individuals they regard as mysterious. And most fall in love with someone of the same ethnic, social, religious, educational and economic background and with a similar amount of physical attractiveness, a comparable intelligence and parallel attitudes, expectations, values and interests. We gravitate to people like ourselves.

But most important is your “love map.” We grow up in a sea of experiences that sculpt our romantic choices. Our mother's sense of humor; our father's interest in politics and music; how those around us view honor, justice, loyalty and politeness: thousands of subtle forces build our individual interests, values and beliefs. So by the teenage years, each of us has constructed an unconscious catalogue of aptitudes and mannerisms we are looking for in a mate. Then when we meet someone who fits within this “love map” and they begin to flirt, the interaction may trigger the brain chemistry of romance and we fall head over heels in love.

How does romantic love affect the sex drive and feelings of attachment to a partner?

I think these three basic mating drives -- lust, romantic love and attachment -- are very interconnected in the brain. For example, dopamine, the chemical associated with romance, can drive up levels of testosterone, the hormone of sexual desire. This is probably why you become so interested in “making love” to your beloved. The sex drive does not always trigger romantic love, however. Most liberated contemporary adults have had sex with someone they were not in love with. But you can begin to copulate with “just a friend” and then fall madly in love with him or her-—probably because elevated levels of testosterone (associated with the sex drive) can elevate levels of dopamine and norepinephrine.

Romantic love has a more complex relationship with feelings of attachment, that sense of calm and security one can feel for a long term partner. Generally some of the chemistry of attachment can suppress the elation and passion of romantic love. This is probably why it is hard to keep that intense passion alive as the relationship becomes more stable and long term.

How can one keep romantic love alive in a long term marriage?

Do novel things together. Novelty drives up levels of dopamine – the chemical associated with romantic love. And if you and your partner are both interested in sex, make sure to keep this part of your relationship alive.

What happens in the brain when people are rejected in love?

We have begun to study this. After we put 17 people into the brain scanner who were happily in love, we put 20 young men and women into the scanner who had recently been rejected by someone they adored. It was tough to do. I felt such anguish for each subject. Anyway, we don't know yet what happens in the brain when someone has been “dumped” because we are still analyzing the data. Nevertheless, I suspect that we will find that some of the same dopamine pathways in the “reward system” in the brain are involved—-because people don't give up loving easily. We may also find activity in brain areas associated with anger and depression.

You say that romantic love is a drive. Does this mean that we have no control over our feelings?

I think you have to treat romantic love as an addiction. When you need to expel someone from your mind, first you need to throw out all the cards and letters. Don't call. Don't write. Avoid the places where you may run into him or her. Keep busy. Do novel things with old friends or new people. And exercise. Exercise can chance brain chemistry in healing ways, as can sunlight. Some people are helped by antidepressant drugs or “talking therapy” or both.

You reveal that unrequited love can lead to stalking, homicide, suicide, depression, and high divorce and adultery rates. Does this mean that health care professionals could medicate to prevent any of these? Should they?

This is a hard question. Yes, I think that health care professionals can medicate people to help prevent crimes of passion. They already do. And these medications probably help. I think crimes of passion occur, at least in part, because dopamine activity in the brain has become pronounced, making the jilted lover obsessed, energized, focused, motivated, and often enraged. And high levels of dopamine are probably driving down levels of serotonin, reducing impulse control as well—-thus setting up the abandoned person for violent behavior. But let's not forget that people are all very different. And they grow up with different childhood experiences; they have different values and beliefs, and different ways of handling stress and rejection. So, luckily, a great many of us seem to be able to weather the agony of rejection without violence or long lasting depression. But, yes, I think antidepressant drugs and talking therapy can help people in the throws of abandonment.

How about your own love life? What are the advantages of knowing about love? Are there disadvantages? Does dissecting the biology of romantic love take away some of the mystery and passion of being in love?

Well, I have loved and won and loved and lost. I certainly know the ecstasy and despair of romantic love. But I think that learning about romantic love has given me some advantages. I certainly feel more informed, and for reasons I can't explain, more secure. I can anticipate some of the behavior of others and I have some tools to deal with various situations. And I know more about how to trigger love and how to make it last. Disadvantages? Well, perhaps I am more realistic, if you want to call that a disadvantage. But one thing I am positive about – knowing about love will never kill the passion.

If romantic love is an urge that has evolved over time, what is the future of it? Will it change?

The feeling will never change, it's too deeply embedded in the human brain. But today more and more people marry for love. In our hunting/gathering past, many wed for love; they were free to marry whom they chose. But as our forebears settled down to farm some 10,000 years ago, more and more marriages became business ventures done to exchange property or make political alliances or social ties. Romance could not be stifled. The rich took concubines; the poor still wed for love; and many probably fell in love with the person that they married. But with the growth of trade and cities and the Industrial Revolution, men and women fled farm life to live in towns. And as family obligations lessened, more began to wed for love. The steady entrance of women into the paid workforce has intensified the desire to pick a partner for one 's self and today more and more men and women practice what the Chinese call “free love.”

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just a quick remider of what I am doing

I just try to list the projects which I am undertaking now
I try to prioritize them in order of importance
- Preparing and planning for next semester
+ Studying Network: LAN, TCP/IP
+ Database: ideas of database, acquiring new skills with Access, so I can design a app for my family business
+ Application Programming: try to have brief view of what I am doing in next semester, grasp ideas of whose subject and then practice
+ BRM: will ask sub. coordinator for further info. (subject outline)

- Improve English, especially pronunciation ( for conversation and presentation) and writing ( reflective journal and case study, business, report)
- Finding a job and working volunteer
- Building up list of questions used in interview and try to answer

- Critical thinking
- Join one club
- Play sport ( swimming, basketball)

Interesting topic:
- Web searching

Book I am reading : Google Story

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PostgreSQL camp

PostgreSQL DBA 8 Certification Training CertCamp

Date: 2008-08-20 – 2008-08-24 (This is a training event)
Location: Sydney, Australia

Register 3 or more candidate(s) for the same class and all three gets a FREE new iPhone, call us for more details!

To Master IT, Learn IT from the Masters!
100% satisfaction & certification Guarantee.
CertFirst Trainers are experts and specialized in their given domains. All our PostgreSQL trainers are also certified in Linux, PostgreSQL DBA and as well as in many other leading technologies. CertFirst uses nothing but the best equipment, A+ grade classroom with the state of the art labs that includes dual core processor computers with minimum of 2-4 GB RAM. For quality assurance purposes, average class size is limited to about 6-8 students.

Course & Exam Objectives & Outline

I. Getting Started

1. Installing PostgreSQL
Compiling and Installing PostgreSQL on Linux/Unix
Post-Installation Setup
The PostgreSQL Windows Installer

2. Creating a Database and Testing the Server
Initializing a Cluster
Creating a Database
Starting the Database Server
The psql Client
Startup Failures and Client Connection Problems

II. Basic PostgreSQL Administration

3. Overview of PostgreSQL Architecture
Configuration Files
Physical Storage and File Layout
System Catalogs
Logging Parameters

4. Roles and Privileges
Roles and Their Attributes
Role Membership

5. Security
Securing TCP Connections with SSL
Create Secure SSH Tunnels
Client Authentication
Encryption Options

6. Backup and Recovery
Overview of Backup Methods
Performing an SQL Dump and Restore
Filesystem Backup

7. Maintenance and Monitoring
Routine Maintenance Tasks
Monitoring Database Activity
Monitoring Disk Usage

8. Client Connections
pgsqlODBC and OpenOffice
Windows ODBC and Microsoft Access
Perl DBI

III. Advanced Administration Topics

9. Performance Tuning
10. Continuous Backup and PITR
11. Warm Standby Servers for High Availability
12. Asynchronous Replication with Slony-I
13. Procedural Languages
14. Contrib Modules

Prerequisite knowledge
This course requires students to have understanding of Linux fundamentals as well as SQL.

Corporate on-site:
For a group of 5 or more it may be a cost effective and convenient for corporate to outsource the whole program to CertFirst Professionals to come and bring the training at their own location. This course is available @ your site for as low as $9,500 for a group of 5 candidate(s). Price includes course-ware, classroom lab set up including hardware & software can also be provided at no additional cost for the duration of the training program; client only pays for shipping and handling. Contact us for more information

Education and Government Institute(s)
CertFirst offers special discount pricing for all Educational and Govt. Institutes.

CertFirst Integrated CertPak:
The most cost effective and the convenient way to study and prepare at your own convenience. CertPak comes with the best resources to study for the exam including Official Study Guide and the exam prep tools with many other certification exam prep tools.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My most creative moment

Today, during the time taking shower, I've just realized that shower time is most creative moment. I come up with many ideas which is very important for my study.

So, I should use this time more efficiently. I dont know if this is a quirky things. But Archime came up with a great ideas when he was bathing. So strange!

Road To Success - Beginning

Just take name of a book about Bill Gates, who is the most powerful man in IT industry so far, as a name of my series of thought I come up with.

The aim of this entry is important because it will set the outline for my ideas. In other words, all my thought will be shaped and expressed freely in these entries . On the other hand, it also helps me focus on my finding career path and identifying the interesting projects which could benefits to my family, my job and society.

I begin with recent ideas about Database

As far As I know, database is a integral part of most business, from banking, commerce , education and even government management. The use of database and the degree of applied database vary from organization to org. However, I just focus on the need of database application in Vietnam , where I am studying.

Vietnam with the lack of experienced database administrator and the use of database application leads to the low efficiency in management. They really need an insight into the importance of database. For example, dealing with managing the citizen of VN government will be much easier when they apply database to the great extent. They could manage the information of popularity in much more effecient way.

Austrilia, their focus on business process and internetworking results in the lack of database management. Most graduate are choosing internetwork or business as their majors.

Based on this view, database section in IT industry will be more beneficiary for whom undertake this course.

11:54 PM
July 09 08

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just a joke :-)

Subject: Computer Hard and Software:
Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system>activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0, Hunting and Fishing 7.5, and Racing 3.6 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected.

I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0. Please help!
A Troubled User. (KEEP READING)


Dear Troubled User:

This is a very common problem that men complain about.
Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed.
You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed to not allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony-Child Support. I recommend that you keep Wife1.0 and work on improving the situation. I suggest installing the background application "Yes Dear" to alleviate software augmentation.
The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the system will return to normal anyway.
Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0, Cook It 1.5 and Do Bills 4.2. However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program Nag, Nag 9.5. Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0! WARNING!!! DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of luck,
Tech Support